This course is available in-person or on Zoom. Text or email Patricia for a phone appointment to discuss the details.
Patricia Price is semi-retired and writing books about Past-Life Regression. See Amazon and the Lily Dale Assembly Book Store for more information.
Past Life Professional Regression Training & Certification
This in-person private study course is one week of private, teacher supported study and experience. This week-long experiential training is scheduled in advance and held with Patricia in Lily Dale, NY or another suitable location near-by if a group is being trained. Special group pricing may be available for three or more students attending. This training is not available in the months of July or August.
Complete Application for Approval
Before purchasing, complete the application and Patricia will connect with you for a discussion about your interest and to plan a schedule.
Complete Application for Approval
Before purchasing, complete the application and Patricia and/or Amy will connect with you for a discussion about your interest.
Tuition (includes one-week private study and all course materials -
it does not include lodging, food, etc.)
All payments accepted: PayPal, credit card by phone with Patricia, personal check and cash.
Paypal: price1111444@gmail.com